5 best dog care tips

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Bringing a pet into a home is like having a new baby in the family. But becoming a pet parent comes with responsibilities on your part for your dog’s good health and care. In reality, fewer pet owners are adept at training pets and know all about our 5 best dog care tips.

Limited knowledge of pet care often pushes back pet owners to abandon their pets. However, taking this concern seriously and interviewing experienced vets and pet parents, we bring you all the key tips for dog care.

1. How important is an exercise for your dog?

Just as exercise keeps humans active and fit, it works similarly for your lovely pet. Daily take your dog to any local park and carry on with activities such as climbing stairs. Indeed try to make the activities adventurous and full of fun. If you fear the risk of pet injury, keep our policy with you. Otherwise, you can also take your pet for a long walk. Routine exercise of your pet offers numerous benefits, including the following:

  • First, improve the digestive tract of your dog.
  • Fades away boredom and laziness of pet.
  • Then it is useful to maintain good body weight for your pet.
  • Thirdly, it helps in their mental stimulation.
  • Works to decrease unpleasant behaviors like chewing, digging, or barking.

2. Correct manners and bad behavior by pet training

Pet training is another aspect of pet care that pet parents shall not oversee at any rate. Recently during the lockdown, online pet training classes soar to popularity. Some of the best dog training tips are following:

  • Praise your dog and give rewards while training. It makes your pet obedient as they think, “by listening to order as a result gets treats or verbal praises.”
  • Secondly, train them to learn home rules. Your pets should be clear in their mind, at least where to sit and where to pee. Teach them that they shall neither sit on the couch for guests nor pee near the home’s living area. Train them regularly to understand the command of these rules.
  • In contrast to the perks for good behavior, correct your pets for bad behavior. You may have to correct the dogs from time to time as dogs forget after 5 minutes “for what are they have been corrected?

3. Another point to make from the 5 best dog care tips-Importance of housekeeping

Does your home have a mess with fallen hair, muddy footprints, chewed-up objects, or wet nose prints? Generally, homes with pets face such mess up by dogs or puppies. To be sure, you will require to make some alterations in your housekeeping practice:

Have a separate but safe area in the home for your pet

Place the blanket or bed of your pet in any pleasant location of your house that is neither too cold nor too hot. Here your pet will have no disturbance even during the parties or from children playing at home. Also, place some toys to keep your pet busy and a water bowl to keep the dog hydrated during summers.

Make sure your dog is not eating certain human foods

As has been noted, some kinds of human foods have serious ramifications on the pet’s health. Also, gums contain xylitol, a toxic substance to dogs. Further, avoid giving them onions, avocados, or chocolates that are also toxic to your lovely dog. Then, eating leftovers for dinner or lunch shall also be avoided for your pet’s diet. Seeing that take your vet’s advice to know about human foods, you shall give your pet. Sometimes vets recommend plain chicken or rice as well as pumpkin to help your dog’s digestive system.

Keep cleanliness around your dog

Another key point is not forgetting to clean your pet’s bed, soft toys, or blankets every week. It will keep the surroundings fresh, especially by getting rid of pollen, dirt, and germs around your pup. In case a dog is sensitive to allergies, such becomes more important.

Store chemicals and toxins away from the reach of your dog

Are you keeping household cleaning chemicals in the garage or nearby sink? In fact, your pet is smart to discover it easily. Don’t be overwhelmed by your dog’s investigative wit, as these chemicals can have some serious implications on your pet’s health. Instead, lock such stuff in sealed cabinets for your dog’s safety. Otherwise, consuming any such substance may trouble them by foreign body ingestion.

4. Next is seasonal care from the 5 Best Dog Care Tips

How to take good care of pets in summer?

During summer, the most important thing is to keep your dogs in the shade. Get a kiddie pool, then fill it with water or ice. Basically, this will allow your pup to cool down in the stroking heat of summer. Keep them under surveillance and if they are sweating excessively through their paws, bring them in your living area to prevent heatstroke. On noticing symptoms such as losing interest in eating, dry nose, or panting (dog’s sweating through paws ), meet your vet immediately.

When taking your pet to a nearby pond or lake area, make sure your pet does not consume algae which may contain harmful toxic pesticide. Immediately reach out to your vet in case you notice pups consuming algae. Further walking on hot concrete surfaces can burn your pet’s feet. It is comfortable with making them walk on green grass instead of a hot burning road or path. Avoid leaving your pet’s alone in a car with closed windows that can suffocate them and cause heatstroke too. 

How to take care of your pets in the winter?

Dogs have a coat that indeed works like their sweater in winter. But this is not enough to survive in the common winter temperature of North America below 0 degrees. For the good winter care of your pup, you shall undertake the following tips. 

  • First, keep your dog warm with a woolen sweater.
  • Make sure your pet stays inside when snowing to avoid developing cracks by ice and winter salt.
  • Moisturize your pet’s paws with a good moisturizer from the market in case you notice any cracks or dryness to take off the skin.

5. Good bonding makes a dog happier – Make bond stronger with pet insurance.

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Dogs crave your love and affection. They must spend enough time with you and your family to develop a bond of trust, love as well as loyalty. While training them, be patient. Sometimes due to our rude behavior, pets fail to read our body language. Thus be graceful while training your dog, so it can easily pick up a new technique or command. If concerned regarding a pet’s eating habits, such as a dog eating fast, that may lead to vomiting. Spend time with them when the pet is eating. As such, they will eat enjoyably and show interest in food while eating.

Moreover, if your dog has a poor appetite or not eating correctly, get the best vet treatment.

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Must Know facts not included in these 5 best dog care tips

What are some other recommendable points for the wonderful pet care?

Don’t overfeed your dog, as it can lead to obesity. In fact, 50 % of pet dogs in the USA are suffering from obesity.

Then, always keep your pet’s first aid kit at your home for the timely help.

Check your dog’s nose; is it wet? In general, it should be for good pet health.

Another point often overlooked, brushing your dog’s teeth. However, regular brushing keeps the pet safe from dental treatment.

Get pet insurance in the first place. If you want to save your money on your lovely pet’s untimely sickness.

Take your pet for a regular vet examination. It is essential to consult a veterinarian before trying any new pet food.

When at public places, your dog must be leashed to control it from running away after other dogs or humans.

Avoid riding your dog at the back of your truck, as it can have fatal consequences. Unfortunately, every year, around 1 lakh dogs die like this. Wisely do not do it if you want your dogs to live long.

Even more, put on an ID tag or microchip your dog. Include your phone number and name on the ID tag, so if it’s lost, there is an option to contact you. Micro chipping also helps to scan for the lost pets and turns out to be purposeful while proving pet ownership. 

Summary – 5 best dog care tips

In order to reap the best benefits for your pets, you make these tips a part of your pet’s lifestyle. Gradually, your pup will become a healthier and happier member of your family.

On this occasion, If you want to share your views or have an opinion about good pet care, feel free to message us. We are active throughout the USA with our pet insurance services. It would help you if are look for pet insurance, New Jersey for your four-legged buddy.